martes, 25 de mayo de 2010

Empire of the sun

The films are an opportunity for show something special; show the beautiful style of art. They can to express the most spectacular feelings and emotions through images and special effects to obtain admiration in the public.
“Empire of the sun” was created for Steven Spielberg in 1987. The plot trouble in China, when British families live the better conditions at the expense of the Chinese slaves in the colonial time.
It remained that way until the Japanese invasion to China in 1939 and the British family must to leave to Shanghai, but in the exodus they forget your little son, James.
James lived very difficult situations in your way, he is to batter and he met a lot of people until to arrive at concentration refugee camp.
All the history finished when in a morning he saw a very shine light in the sky, it’s the end of the war, it’s the atomic bomb in Hiroshima, Japan. James meets her parents again but he is not the same. :(
Greetings to all partners!

martes, 11 de mayo de 2010

This history it's so round, so round how is round the earth...

I didn’t like any expert on my field, public administration have so boring exponent, I decide to exposed to the art.

The art it’s a great opportunity for a show the most beautiful dreams and ideals. It’s a wonderful world where the emotions and sensibility can be shown. We ever need demonstrate our feels because those enjoy our soul. For that reason I decide to talk about Roberto Matta., a chilean painter, architect, philosophy, and poetry very talented.

His talent led him to travel around the world, for example United States, Spain and France and in this travel met the likes of Salvador Dalí, and Picasso.

He received awards very importants so how Premio Nacional de Arte in Chile and Premio Príncipe de Asturias de las Artes in Spain and importants other artist are inspired on him for go on your carreers, for example Quilapayún in the song “Discurso del pintor Roberto Matta.” He is the last representative of surrealism in the world and Matta’s work is exposed in the most important museums around the five continents. In Chile we can see their art in Museo de Bellas Artes and, for example, La Moneda palace. Greetings to all!

lunes, 3 de mayo de 2010

As if you were the communism...

Music is an essential part of the joy of being human. It has always been a way to escape reality and move to the deeper dreams that we want. My tastes definitely are varied, ranging from techno and classical music to reggaeton and trova.
The music always leaves a mark, there are moments that are not accompanied by a melody. Perhaps, the singer who now rescue has always liked me, I just never stopped to contemplate his enormous talent. I knew him as such, in the summer of 2008, on my first visit to Santiago to a History course at the University of Chile, in which many colleagues, especially a friend of Calama, forced me to remember my childhood.
Silvio Rodríguez, cuban singer, revolutionary in its essence and tireless fighter, which makes music through the strings of his guitar in bags of bullets. Their music demonstrates to me that another world is possible, that love for those around us is needed and I will always fight for the poor. I recommend to hear "De la ausencia y de ti, Velia." Fraternal hugs and greetings!